The Author
So...I guess the first thing you should know about me is that I'm a writer. Typically writers are strange folk and I'm not an exception. I don't think I'm too out there, but I'll let you make your own opinion. I love movies, music and some select TV Shows (Firefly!), but I mostly don't bother with TV. I like reading just about anything, and appreciate the solitude of a good book. I'm the typical nice guy, Meaning my values are outdated. I think that men ought to treat women like something other than weaker, shorter men with breasts. I enjoy treating a woman like a lady, opening doors for them, paying for shared meals, giving flowers- that sort of thing. I believe that to be a good writer you have to practice living somewhere else everyday, and I try.
I welcome all types of comments, but I'm an epic smart-ass. You have been warned.
Welcome to my world.